Yesterday we went to Classic skating. I cannot believe how much it has changed since the last time i was there. They now have a room with a bunch of blowups. Logan had so much fun! He loved going down the slides. Unfortunately he couldn't go up himself. I took him down a few times and other people took him up. I cannot believe how tiring it is to carry a baby up those things! After he while he was done with that and just wanted to go walk around. He walked around with various people for probably an hour. This kid is entertained by the smallest things. He liked chasing the colorful circles in the skating room! What a goof.
After we had been there a while and he still hadn't had a nap, he started to get very very grumpy. Luckily my mom had to go pick up a neighbor boy from school so she took Logan with her and he got at least a 40 minute nap. There rest of us stayed there for a little bit longer. Each time the kids came to the table to get a drink their faces were more and more red. They had so much fun!
We also had another playdate today. At dominoes they have new pasta bowls and they were giving them out today for free for lunch. We got those then went to Annie's house to play. We had a lot of fun. Annie has a huge dog and in the past Logan has been terrified of her. This time he was not so much terrified just more always aware of where the dog was. David thinks Logan wants a dog and I say not so much. I think he just needs to see Logan with this dog. Then he will realize we just don't need a pet!
I cannot believe this is only my third post for this month. Really not much has happened. Logan went to the zoo for the first time last week, but David had the day off so we stayed home together. I was a little sad to miss his first zoo visit, but I know there will be lots more. Really not much else has happened. This week has been pretty busy helping my mom get her house all cleaned up from the remodel and to get ready for our Scentsy party on Friday. I will probably spend all day there again tomorrow and all night baking. Anyone is more than welcome to come to our Scentsy party. It is Friday night and my parents house. It is an open house and it is 6:30 til about 8:30. Other than that not much else. Hopefully May will be a little more eventful and i will have the need to blog more!
Wow reading this post back I feel like the writing is all over the place. Sorry!
You cannot really tell in this picture, but their cheeks are SO red!
Logan on an inflatable.
This is Annie jumping and dancing around.
Ari and Mckenna with their scooters. Not one of the kids actually skated. They either used scooters or played on the inflatables.